UK | Sage50 Payroll
Enabling the export file with both Personio and your payroll provider's system offers HR teams and payroll managers substantial benefits, streamlining the data management process significantly.

Wie die Schnittstelle funktioniert
Enabling the export file with both Personio and your payroll provider's system offers HR teams and payroll managers substantial benefits, streamlining the data management process significantly.
Eliminates the need for customers to enter data twice, which leads to a reduction in the manual work.
This automatic synchronization keeps employee records consistently up-to-date, reducing the risk of discrepancies, minimizing drastically manual errors.
Find the detailed export scope and steps in our Help Center.
Über UK | Sage50 Payroll
Sage50 is a leading payroll software. It has over 40 years in the industry, trusted by HMRC and recognised experts. As stated by Sage, over 40 % of the UK's businesses pay their employees using Sage 50 Payroll.
Warum UK | Sage50 Payroll?
Pay employees on time: Take control of your payroll with HMRC-recognised software that automates all your key tasks and processes.
A trusted software: Achieve peace of mind with payroll software that helps you stay compliant and up-to-date with the latest legislation.
Save time: With seamless export with Sage 50 Payroll, reduce duplication of work and risk of error's giving you back valuable time to focus on your business.
Einrichten der Schnittstelle UK | Sage50 Payroll
Log into Personio, select Marketplace and filter by Payroll.
Find Sage50 and click on “Book integration” button.
You will be directed to a page to configure the settings with Personio's Implementation team. Here, you will select the data to be exported.
For the detailed setup visit our Help Center article.
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