
halion clock:it

halion clock:it connects time-tracking hardware terminals to your Personio environment and enables your employees to clock in and clock out using standard RFID tokens, barcodes, fingerprints.

App Details
Entwickelt von
Rocon software development GmbH

Wie die Schnittstelle funktioniert

  • User Provisioning: When integrating Personio and halion clock:it, new employees are automatically added to halion clock:it as soon as they are assigned an RFID badge number. Personio is at any time the leading system with unidirectional synchronization from Personio to halion clock:it.

  • Employee Lifecycle: Whenever employee data is updated in Personio it is automatically updated in halion clock:it. This ensures your employee information is up-to-date all the time without any double-work data entry.

  • User Deprovisioning: When employees leave the company or their assignment to an RFID badge number is removed, the employee is automatically deactivated and removed from halion clock:it.

  • Time Management: All attendance data and periods are automatically synced between halion clock:it and Personio. Time registration events on hardware terminals are transferred in almost real-time to Personio and are automatically kept in sync with all internally registered attendance data for employees who are clocking in and out through the different ways available.

  • Other: Employees can access their current presence state in the terminals.

Ähnliche Integrationen

Sehen Sie Personio in Aktion

Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und einer unserer Produktexperten:innen wird sich in Kürze mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen, um einen Demo-Termin zu vereinbaren. 

Was Sie erwarten können:

  • Ein unverbindlicher Einblick in alle Funktionen

  • Abgestimmt auf Ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse

  • Antworten auf all Ihre Fragen

Die Software, die Mitarbeitende lieben:

G2 Badges - Personio Gewinner - Winter 2025

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