
BMD Logo


BMD bietet Ihnen Business Softwarelösungen für Steuerberatungs- und Wirtschaftskanzleien sowie für Unternehmen unterschiedlicher Geschäftsfelder.

datev logo


Die nahtlose Integration mit DATEV ermöglicht einen mühelosen Transfer von Gehaltsdaten und Dokumenten zwischen Personio und dem DATEV Rechenzentrum per Klick.

Addison Logo

DE | Addison Lohn & Gehalt

Addison von Wolters Kluwer ist eine umfassende Softwarelösung, für die Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung, das Rechnungswesen und Steuermanagement in Deutschland.

ADP logo

DE | ADP AdvancedPay (Paisy)

PAISY ist eine flexible Softwarelösung, maßgeschneidert für die Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung in Deutschland


DE | ADP-Paisy by BCM Solutions

PIM (Personio Integration Management System) is an interface solution developed by BCM Solutions for automating data transfer between Personio and ADP-Paisy.

W&K logo

ES | a3innuva Nómina

Personio’s integration with Spanish payroll provider a3innuva Nómina helps run your next payroll cycle with ease.


ES | ADP Partner

Payroll Services for your organisation’s size that meet your industry needs


ES | Sage200 & Despachos

This integration between Personio and your payroll provider's system offers HR teams and payroll managers substantial benefits, streamlining the data management process

Flexspring Logo

NL | ADP iHCM® by Flexspring

Flexspring is an ADP Platinum Integration Partner and won International Partner of the Year in 2023.



Get started quickly with AFAS payroll software and pay this month’s salaries at the push of a button


NL | Nmbrs by worldofwork

Nmbrs is an Amsterdam-based HR and payroll software supplier for the Dutch and Swedish markets.

Logo Probonio GmbH


Probonio offers many modern employee benefits in one solution.

pwc logo

UK | PwC - Global Payroll

The PwC Global Payroll Platform manages the end to end payroll process right from inputs, processing and supports post payroll activities.


UK | Sage50 Payroll

Enabling the export file with both Personio and your payroll provider's system offers HR teams and payroll managers substantial benefits, streamlining the data management process significantly.

Xero software logo

UK | Xero

The integration between Personio and Xero enables you to effortlessly transfer employee information and payroll data with the click of a button.

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Die Software, die Mitarbeitende lieben:

G2 Badges - Personio Gewinner - Winter 2025

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